Archeological Evidences

S. No.Name of the SiteDistrictExcavated by Lat, LognYearPeriodHistorical SignificanceReference Protection
1Jognekhera -North West Bank of SarasvatiKuruksehtraDept. of Archaeology & Museums, Haryana -″N -″E500-1000 B.C
1000-808 B.C
Remains of Coper Smelting
Furnace and objects/slag of copper have been found from the site.
2Rakhi Garhi -Between Saraswati and Drishadvati rivers.HisarDept. of Archaeology & Museums, Haryana -″N -″E1997(2014-15,2015-16)3200-2700 B.C
2700-1800 B.C
Terracotta figurines, weights, bronze artifacts, combs, needle sand terracotta seals.

3Banawali - Proto-HistoricFatehabad Dept. of Archaeology & Museums, Haryana -″N -″E1974-1977-
The discovery of first mother goddess terracotta figurine in independent India and a beautiful terracotta replica of a plough.

4Kunal, on the dried bed of SarasvatiRatiaDept. of Archaeology and Museums haryana -″N -″E1986,
And continued till date i.e. 2018-19.

With a few field-season's gaps of the year1992-93,1996-97,1998-99,1999-2000, 2001-2002 and 2002-2003.

There cent excavation seasons i.e. 2016-17, 2017-18,2018-19 yielded
-Square and rectangular mud brick houses,
Copper furnace, steatite bead making workshop and kiln were