Ssarasvati River Rejuvenation is a matter of National Pride related with our rich Cultural, Spiritual and Archeological Heritage. World Oldest literature called Rigveda and other allied literature were written on the bank of this River placed India in the position of “Vishwaguru”. It reflects the continuity of great Indian value system and glorious past of Sarasvati Sindhu civilization to the present age. According to Geological and Glaciological studies, Sarasvati originated from the Banderpunch Massif, from the Sarasavti from the Sarasavti-Rupin Glacier confluence at Naintwar in western Garhwal. Vedic River Sarasvati flows from the Shivalik Mountains and enters the Plains at Adi Badri. Due to 3rd millennium BCE tectonic event which caused a break in shivalik ranges divererted the old course of Yamuna, Markanda (tributaries of Sarasvati) to east wards side.

TThe Haryana Sarasvati Heritage Development Board is organizing “International Sarasvati Mahotsav & International Conference every year on the eve of Bansant Panchpami, it is an ideal platform to show the rich heritage and history of the Sarasvati River on the bank of which all of the ancient scriptures including the Vedas and Upanishads were written. The event showcased the history of Sarasvati River & its Heritage including ongoing projects which engaged tourists and residents.

Download International Sarasvati Mahotsav & Conference Brochure

  1. International Conference-2019
  2. International-Conference-2020
  3. International-Conference-2021-English-version
  4. International-Conference-2021-Hindi-version
  5. International-Sarasvati-Mahotsav-2021
  6. International-Conference-2022
  7. International-Sarasvati Mahotsav and International Conference-2025